Ethics Ch. 6

Ethics Ch. 6

Determinism can be understood to mean that there is no uncaused event.


·         True


Religious determinism is the idea that our lives are predestined.


·         True


Ivan Pavlov is famous for his experiments with human beings, getting them to salivate at the sound of a bell.


·         False


B. F. Skinner based his behavioral theories on the groundbreaking work of Heisenberg.


·         False


Fatalism is the view that although things are fixed & predetermined you behavior still makes a difference


·         False


Indeterminism is the idea that some events, especially regarding human decision making, are uncaused. If some human decisions are uncaused then nobody is responsible for them.


·         True


Hard determinism maintains that if all events are caused there is no freedom.


·         True


Soft determinism is the view that all events are caused but there is human freedom.


·         True


According to the author of the text on problem with hard determinists is their inaccurate use of language.


·         True


Soft determinism is the only acceptable theory because it shows that freedom is impossible.


·         False


Determinism means the same thing as


·         Universal causation


The great exponent of physical determinism was


·         Sir Isaac Newton


The great exponent economic and social determinism was


·         Karl Marx


If there are external causes for everything you do you are a


·         Hard determinist


Who argued that humans are physical beings conditioned by their social, cultural & natural environments?


·         BF Skinner


All events are caused but some are caused by human beings is the doctrine of


·         Soft determinism


Who, according to the author of the text, is the most prominent exponent of indeterminism?


·         William James


Indeterminism is the belief that


·         Some things are caused


Who said that consciousness is "intentional"?


·         Edmund Husserl


Who would argue that even if you are crippled or bing how you choose to respond to that is freedom?

·         Jean-Paul Sartre


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