1 Moral egoism suggests that we are always by the nature of human psychology, motivated by self-interest; that all people, all of the time, act so as to promote (what they think are) their own self-interests.

2 Very few people ever reach the highest stages of Kohlberg's model.

3 Under contractualism, morality consists of all explicit and implicit rules that enhance social living.

4 Women often tend to approach and resolve conflict through a process of ongoing communication and involvement that considers the needs, interests, and motivations of all involved.

5 Under utilitarianism, in some cases the morally right action may be one in which we endure harm or pain in the interest of bringing about happiness for a greater number of people.

6 Moderate divine command theory argues that what God commands is right and good, not simply because he directs it, but because it is right and good.

7 Immanuel Kant argued that many "other-focused" motives can be reinterpreted as self-interested.

8 Feinberg suggests that some offensive behavior may be considered a violation of people's right to privacy when it invades private space.

9 Peter Kropotkin argued that human tendencies toward non-harm and benevolence do not depend on presuppositions, concepts, religions, dogmas, myths, training, and education; they reside in human nature itself.

10 Some argue that ethical egoism better serves the good of society than altruism.

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