1 When confronted with a moral dilemma, care ethics encourages us to consider:

2 Which of the following is NOT one of the universal conditions of human flourishing outlined in your text?

3 Which of the following is a key Aristotelian idea that describes a midpoint between extremes of excess and deficiency?

4 Traits of character that dispose a person to act in a moral fashion are typically referred to as:

5 An ethic of care stresses the importance of rationally-derived universal rights in our interactions with others and in resolving moral dilemmas.

6 For Aristotle, the ultimate purpose of human life is health and procreation.

7 Aristotle's ethics was teleological, meaning:

8 Which of the following frameworks encourages us to imagine alternative solutions to moral dilemmas, "focusing less on deciding between given alternatives" and, instead, "envisioning new alternatives" that we may not have initially considered?

9 "Character" is best understood as a collection or system of more specific character traits.

10 Which of the following is a "tendency to behave in certain ways in certain circumstances?"

11 Which of the following is an approach to justice which focuses on repairing harms through processes involving the offender, victim, and community?

12 Which of the following frameworks would be most likely to justify convicting an innocent person?

13 Which of the following would be considered biogenic needs?

14 An ethic of care would most likely support the practice of selective enforcement, particularly for less serious criminal offenses.

15 Which of the following types of programs seeks to bring victims and offenders together, promoting healthy interaction between them?

16 Strict determinate sentencing schemes would be consistent with the basic philosophy advocated by an ethic of care.

17 Disloyalty, greed, mercilessness, prejudice, and intolerance are examples of:

18 Traits of character that dispose us to act in ways that are indifferent toward the well-being of others could be considered vices.

19 Mandatory arrest policies require a police officer to make an arrest, if possible, in domestic violence scenarios.

20 Virtue ethics holds character, actions, and consequences to be correlated, such that the presence of virtuous character often gives rise to right actions which lead to good consequences.

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