To understand the nature of electric fields and how to draw field lines

To understand the nature of electric fields and how to draw field lines

To understand the nature of electric fields and how to draw field lines.

Electric field lines are a tool used to visualize electric fields. A field line is drawn beginning at a positive charge and ending at a negative charge. Field lines may also appear from the edge of a picture or disappear at the edge of the picture. Such lines are said to begin or endat infinity. The field lines are directed so that the electric field at any point is tangent to the field line at that point.


Which of the following panels (labelled A, B, C, and D) in (Figure 2) correctly depicts the field lines from an infinite uniformly negatively charged sheet? Note that the sheet is being viewed edge-on in all pictures.

In (Figure 2) , what is wrong with panel B? (Pick only those statements that apply to panel B.)
Check all that apply.

Field lines cannot cross each other.
The field lines should be parallel because of the sheet's symmetry.
The field lines should spread apart as they leave the sheet to indicate the weakening of the field with distance.
The field lines should always end on negative charges or at infinity.

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