CMGT 582 Week 5 Discussion 3 | Assignment Help | University Of Phoenix

CMGT 582 Week 5 Discussion 3 | Assignment Help | University Of Phoenix 

Week 5 Discussion 3

Review this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week.

Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs:

1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.

3. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.

Students need to contribute two substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.

Although it is not about “word counting” per se, a substantive commentary typically requires at least 200 words and include at least one cited reference support. Do Not merely cut/past Internet or other content as your commentary postings; demonstrate your topic comprehension by the synthesis of your research into your original ideas. Avoiding even the appearance of plagiarism in the online discussion forum and elsewhere is important for all.

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