1 page Public Healt Leadership Case Sudy

Due 9/22  12 p.m EST

1 page not including min 3 refer APA
As one of the most widely-used prescriptions withdrawn from the market, Rofecobix highlights issues facing public health leaders during a drug recall. With approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999, Merck marketed the drug for public use. In 2004, the drug was recalled for safety and cardiovascular problems developed in patients taking the medication (Topol, 2004). With nearly $2.5 billion dollars in sales and over 80 million people exposed to the drug, Merck’s recall turned into a public firestorm of litigation cases against the corporation.

In this week’s article by Topol, the author addresses the scandal surrounding safety concern.Think about the traits and skills of the primary leaders. After considering the issues in the case to address possible shortcomings of primary leadership and systemic issues.  Think about strategies for improvements that use a systems thinking approach.

POST: Provide a summary of possible traits of the primary leaders in the case study
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