PSY 0430 Week 17 Quiz | Assignment Help | San Francisco State University

PSY 0430 Week 17 Quiz | Assignment Help | San Francisco State University

PSY 0430-01 Adolescent Psychology Fall 2020


Question 1

One indirect effect of compulsory high school was a decrease in the amount of free time available to young people.


o   True

o   False


Question 2

Fill in the blank: While it is ____________ for an adolescent to benefit psychologically from working, it is not ____________________.


o   probable; possible

o   possible; probable

o   possible; likely

o   likely; possible


Question 3

With the exception of disadvantaged inner-city youth there is little evidence that working contributes significantly to an individual’s psychosocial development.


o   True

o   False



Question 4

When youth work a job, it is important that working complement, rather than take the place of school.


o   True

o   False


Question 5

The experience of high levels of both concentration and interest at the same time is referred to as:


o   flow experience

o   experience sampling method

o   concentration interest effect

o   none of the above


Question 6

The theory that views unstructured, unsupervised time with peers as a main cause of misbehavior is the:


o   unstructured activity theory

o   structured-unstructured activity theory

o   routine activity theory

o   none of the above


Question 7

The primetime for unstructured and unsupervised leisure for adolescents is on the weekends.


o   True

o   False


Question 8

One of the most emphasized models for youth development programs is the Five C’s, what do they stand for?


a. Caring, Courage, Compassion, Caution, and Competence

 b. Caring, Compassion, Cause, Competence, and Courage

 c. Confidence, Caring, Compassion, Courage, and Confidence

 d. Competence, Connection, Confidence, Character, and Caring/Compassion


Question 9

The perspective on media use that emphasizes the fact that adolescents not only choose what media they are exposed to but also interpret the media in ways that shape their impact is known as:


o   cultivation theory

o   media practice model

o   uses and gratification approach

o   flow experience


Question 10

The perspective on media use that emphasizes active role users play in selecting the media to which they are exposed is known as:


o   media practice model

o   cultivation theory

o   uses and gratification approach

o   new media model


Question 11

The disorder where an individual’s use of the internet is pathological is referred to as:



o   compulsive internet use

o   internet addiction

o   technology addition

o   none of the above



Question 12

The following are some of the symptoms of Internet addiction EXCEPT:


o   salience

o   ignorance

o   tolerance

o   conflict



Question 13

Having at least one intimate friendship is beneficial to an individual’s health


o   True

o   False


Question 14

It is not until adolescence where we see truly intimate relationships emerge, which can be characterized by the following:


o   openness

o   honesty

o   self-disclosure

o   trust

o    all of the above


Question 15

Based on Sullivan’s Theory, what are the two development eras/stages  where intimacy is noted to be an interpersonal need?


o   early and middle childhood

o   middle childhood and preadolescence

o   preadolescence and early adolescence

o   early and late adolescence


Question 16

According to Sullivan the need for intimacy, which surfaces during late adolescence precedes the development of romantic or sexual relationships.


o   True

o   False


Question 17

An insecure attachment between an infant and caregiver that is characterized by indifference on the part of the child toward the caregiver is:


o   anxious-avoidant attachment

o   secure attachment

o   anxious-resistant attachment

o   disorganized attachment


Question 18

When a relationship between a child and parent is characterized by the absence of normal attachment behavior it is known as:


o   secure attachment

o   disorganized attachment

o   anxious-avoidant attachment

o   anxious-resistant attachment


Question 19

The model of a set of beliefs and expectations an individual draws on in forming close relationships with other is referred to as:


o   rejection sensitivity

o   attachment

o   internal working model

o   none of the above


Question 20

An individual’s security of attachment in infancy predicts social competence in childhood, security or attachment to close friends in adolescence, and positive romantic relationships in adulthood.


o   True

o   False


Question 21

What gender is more likely to participate in co-rumination?


o   girls

o   boys

o   both


Question 22

According to the ecological perspective individuals differ in the quality of their romantic relationships and that these differences are paralleled by differences in the relationships individuals have with their parents and peers.


o   True

o   False


Question 23

Girls romantic relationships provide a context for the further _______________ of intimacy, and boys romantic relationships provide a context for the ____________________ of intimacy.


o   expression; development

o   development; expression

o   expression; progress

o   development; progress


Question 24

Name the distinct aspect(s) to positive sexuality in adolescence that can serve as the basis for how parents and educators discuss sex with teenagers.


o   adolescent feeling comfortable with their maturing body

o   acceptance of feelings of sexual arousal as normal and appropriate

o   understands and practices safe sex

o   all of the above


Question 25

What is the more familiar term for “noncoital activity?”


o   second base

o   first base

o   fooling around

o   none of the above


Question 26

Sexual behavior that is experienced alone, such as masturbation or sexual fantasizing is known as:

o   noncapital activity

o   autoerotic behavior

o   fooling around

o   initial experience


Question 27

What are the two seasonal peaks in the timing of first intercourse?


o   May and July

o   May and November

o   June and December

o   June and January


Question 28

According the book, the proportion of individuals who have sexual intercourse early in adolescence has declined in recent years, and no longer remains substantial.


o   True

o   False


Question 29

What parent style is noted to work better with communicating with adolescents about sexual activity?


o   authoritarian

o   indifferent

o   authoritative

o   indulgent


Question 30

The process through which adolescents are exposed to and educated about sexuality is referred to as:


o   gender socialization

o   sexual socialization

o   sexual education

o   none of the above


Question 31

High numbers of LGBTQ+ youth have experienced harassment, and physical or verbal abuse from peers or adults growing up.


o   True

o   False


Question 32

What are the three factors that scientist point to with regards to why so few Americans use contraception regularly and effectively?


o   lack of planning

o   lack of knowledge

o   lack of access

o   all of the above


Question 33

Expanding access to family planning services and contraceptives is no more effective than sex education in deterring teen childbearing.


o   True

o   False


Question 34

Abstinence-only sex education programs cause a decrease in teen pregnancy and childbearing.


o   True

o   False


Question 35

Increases and changes in what areas lead to boys increased sexual activity?



o   sex drive

o   physical appearance

o   A and B

o   none of the above


Question 36

Sexual activity during adolescence is highly associated with psychological disturbance.


o   True

o   False


Question 37

The co variation among various types of externalizing disorders believed to result from an underlying trait of unconventionality is known as:


o   problem behavior syndrome

o   externalizing problems

o   internalizing problems

o   none of the above


Question 38

What view notes that individuals who do not have strong bonds to society’s institutions, such as family, school, and workplace, will be likely to behave unconventionally in a variety of ways?


o   problem behavior syndrome

o   social control theory

o   social deviance

o   delinquency effect



Question 39

A presumed underlying factor of internalizing disorders, characterized by high levels of subjective distress is referred to as:


o   negative emotionality

o   antisocial syndrome

o   negative internalizing problems

o   none of the above


Question 40

When an individual has difficulty experiencing positive emotions it is known as:


o   depression

o   anxiety

o   distress

o   an hedonic


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