BI 214 Week 6 Assignment Help | Park University | Assignment Help

BI 214 Week 6 Assignment Help  | Park University | Assignment Help 

Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention

PartI. General Risk Factor Checklist

You can directly influence some risk factors, such as diet and exposure to cigarette smoke, while others are beyond your control. The following statements relate to factors that can put you at increased risk for cancer. To identify your risk factors, check any statements that are true for you.

I have a family history of cancer. (Check any of the following family members who have had cancer; list the type(s) and the age of the individual at diagnosis.)


____     Mother

____     Father

____     Sister

____   Brother

____     Paternal grandfather

____     Paternal grandmother

____     Maternal grandfather

____     Maternal grandmother

____   I use tobacco (any form).

____    I am constantly exposed to tobacco smoke at work or at home.

____   I live in a heavily polluted urban area.

____   I have frequently gotten blistering, peeling sunburns.

____   I am frequently exposed to sunlight and get a tan whenever possible.

____   I go to tanning salons or use a tanning lamp

____   I have fair skin.

____   I have many moles.

____   I rarely use sunscreens.

____   I am overweight or obese.

____   I am sedentary.

____   I eat a diet that is rich in red meat and high in fat overall.

____   I eat a diet that is low in fiber overall.

____   I consume fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

____   I drink more than one (women) or two (men) alcoholic beverage(s) per day.

For Women Only (Check statements that are true for you; ignore those that are not applicable.)

____   I had early onset of menstruation.

____   My first pregnancy occurred after age 30.

____   I have HPV infection.

____   I have genital herpes.

Part II. Assessing Your Risk for Specific Types of Cancer

Read the risk factors listed along the top of the chart. For any factor that applies to you, put a check in every unshaded box in its column. For the family history column, note any family member who has had the type of cancer listed at the left--record his or her relationship to you (uncle, brother, etc.) and age at diagnosis.

Risk Factors

Type of cancer


Use of spit tobacco

Diet high in fat

Diet rich in meat

Diet low in fruits & vegetables

Little or no exercise


Regular use of alcohol

Family history











Colon& rectum




























































Oral cavity






























To determine your risk for a particular type of cancer, examine the number of corresponding risk factors you've checked. Strong family history may also increase your risk--the more relatives who have had a particular type of cancer, the closer their relationship to you, and the younger their age at diagnosis, the greater your risk. Prepare a 500 word discussion of the lifestyle behaviors that you can change to lower your risk of cancer. Bring into the discussion anything that you have learned about any possible family history.

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