PHIL 100 Week 2 Quiz | MiraCosta College

PHIL 100 Week 2 Quiz | MiraCosta College

Question 1

If taxi drivers were logical then they would  

·         work the same hours every day regardless of the weather  

·         work longer hours when it's rainy  

·         work longer hours when it's sunny  

·         stop working once they have reached their goal for the day


Question 2

Steve is the meek and tidy soul with a passion for detail and very little interest in people. Without any other information about him, is he more likely to be a librarian or a farmer?  

·         Librarian  

·         Same probability for both  

·         Farmer


Question 3

Why are cognitive biases called biases?  

·         Because they are strictly subjective  

·         Because they are based on prejudice  

·         Because they are more likely among people of priviledge   

·         Because they are not random


 Question 4

Almost _____ % of people in Christopher Chabris' experiment missed the fight.

(Fun fact: this is the same psychologist who came up with the gorilla experiment)  

·         20  

·         50 

·         90 

·         75


 Question 5

Daniel Kahneman describes the way we make decisions as the interplay between two systems: System 1 and System 2.

How is each system described?

·         Fast             

·         Deliberate             

·         Automatic            

·         Slow

·         Rational


Question 6

Which of the following statements about System 2 is true?  

·         System 2 is "the star of the show."  

·         It's possible to rely solely on System 2  

·         System 2 invents reasons for what System 1 does  

·         System 2 is responsible for most of our daily decisions


 Question 7

Match the behavior to the cognitive bias.

·         Not saving enough for retirement           

·         Trusting somebody because they have a firm handshake             

·         Perceiving the meal you cooked as more delicious than you would otherwise             

·         Thinking that everybody will notice that there is a little ketchup stain on my shirt


Question 8

In the example in the video, who fell prey to confirmation bias?  

·         All the trained experts 

·         Everybody  

·         An equal number of trained experts and novices  

·         All the novices


Question 9

Classical economics assumes that individuals make rational decisions when thinking about money.

Behavioral economics _________________


·         shows that cognitive biases do not play a part when we make financial decisions  

·         argues that System 1 tends to take over when we make financial decisions  

·         agrees  

·         argues that System 2 tends to take over when we make financial decision


 Question 10

Lauri Santos' experiments show that monkeys  _________________  

·         prefer to make deals with the trader that takes away one grape, leaving them with 2 grapes  

·         are incapable of making rational decisions 

·         realize that both results are equivalent    

·         prefer to make deals with the trader that gives them an extra grape, for a total of 2 grapes


 Question 11

What do behavioral economists recommend we do to minimize the effect of our cognitive biases?  

·         That we change our environment so that we can make better decisions  

·         That we suppress System 1  

·         That we understand that we have reasons for everything that we believe  

·         That we let computers make most of our financial decisons



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