PSYCSS15 Test 1 Quiz | Mohawk College

PSYCSS15 Test 1 Quiz | Mohawk College

Question 1

Which of the following is considered the subject matter of psychology?  

·         Behaviour and mental processes.  

·         Mental and biological processes.  

·         Emotional and biological processes.  

·         Emotional and behaviour processes.


Question 2

You are about to start a research project with the goal of understanding how one variable causes another variable; poverty causes HIV infection, for example. A starting point would be to demonstrate that the two variables are RELATED. You could start your project with a ________ study of these two variables.  

·         coincidental  

·         correlational  

·         experimental  

·         observational


Question 3

Much of our knowledge about sleep has been gained through observing individuals' brain and other bodily activity while they sleep. This is an example of:  

·         experimental method.  

·         laboratory observation.  

·         case studies.  

·         surveys.


Question 4

In order to examine the parenting behaviour of pandas, two psychologists spent three years observing the panda in the mountainous regions of Western China. The method used by these investigators was most likely  

·         the survey method. 

·         the case study method.

·         the experimental method. 

·         naturalistic observation.


Question 5

In order to test the effect of praise on learning, a group of students receive verbal encouragement every time they do something correct. At the end of the semester, their grades are recorded and analyzed. What is missing from the above design?  

·         an independent variable  

·         an experimental group  

·         a dependent variable  

·         a control group


Question 6

In studying the effects of hunger on competition, a researcher has subjects skip one, two, or three meals and then play a competitive game. She notes the number of points scored by subjects in the three hunger groups. In this example, the independent variable is  

·         the number of points scored.  

·         the number of games played.  

·         the amount of food consumed.  

·         the number of meals missed.


 Question 7

The __________ variable causes changes in the behaviour being studied?  

·         control  

·         independent  

·         random  

·         dependent



Question 8

You are taking a psychology course from a noted psychologist in the early twentieth century. He states that psychology must be built only on overt behaviours because only the observable can be measured scientifically. Your professor is most likely  

·         Sigmund Freud. 

·         John B. Watson.  

·         Wilhelm Wundt.  

·         Charles Darwin



Question 9

While of the following statements would most likely be endorsed by a humanistic psychologist?  

·         Because mental events cannot be observed, psychology should restrict its focus to observable, measurable behaviour.  

·         We should examine how the mind helps us adapt to a complex and changing world.  

·         People are capable of making conscious, rational choices, which can lead to growth and psychological health.  

·         Human behaviour is primarily determined by unconscious mental forces and conflicts.


Question 10

A perspective that focuses on how humans have adapted behaviours required for survival against various environmental pressures over the long course of evolution is the ________________.  

·         biological perspective  

·         evolutionary perspective  

·         sociocultural perspective  

·         humanistic perspective


Question 11

________ is to general scientific understanding as ________ is to solving practical problems.  

·         Applied research; basic research  

·         Basic research; applied research  

·         Hypothesis; theory  

·         Theory; hypothesis


 Question 12

Which of the following is an area of the brain considered essential to the physical production of speech?  

·         the primary auditory cortex 

·         Wernicke's area

·         the somatosensory cortex  

·         Broca's area


Question 13

The main functions of the ________ are to execute smooth, skilled movements and to regulate muscle tone and posture.  

·         pons

·         medulla  

·         cerebellum  

·         hypothalamus


Question 14

The wide band of nerve fibres that physically connects the two cerebral hemispheres and makes possible the transfer of information between them is called  

·         the myelin sheath.  

·         the hypothalamus.  

·         the amygdala.  

·         the corpus callosum.


Question 15

The brainstem includes all of the following, EXCEPT the  

·         medulla.  

·         pons.  

·         reticular formation.  

·         cerebellum.


Question 16

The frontal lobe is to ________ as the parietal lobe is to ________.  

·         general knowledge storage; speech production  

·         planning for the future; processing of touch stimuli 

·         understanding auditory input; motor control 



Question 17

The relay station for information flowing into and out of the higher brain centres is the  

·         hypothalamus.  

·         reticular activating system.  

·         thalamus.  

·         hippocampus.


Question 18

The right hemisphere specializes in which of the following activities?  

·         visual-spatial skills  

·         analyzing information.  

·         reading and writing.  

·         speech.


 Question 19

The amygdala and the hippocampus are two structures that are part of the  

·         cerebral cortex.  

·         somatic system.  

·         brainstem.  

·         limbic system.


 Question 20

The structure which controls arousal and attention and screens sensory messages entering the brain is the  

·         reticular formation.  

·         pons.  

·         amygdala.  

·         hippocampus.


Question 21

All of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour can be traced to the activity of the

·         neurons.  

·         ganglia.  

·         genes. 

·         nerve fibres.


 Question 22

The myelin sheath ________ the neural impulse.   

·         terminates  

·         starts up  

·         slows down  

·         speeds up


 Question 23

Which of the following is NOT associated with mood or emotional state (e.g., anxiety, fear) in humans?  

·         norepinephrine  

·         GABA  

·         acetylcholine  

·         serotonin


 Question 24

The brain produces its own opiate-like substances (* pain-relief) known as  

·         heroins.  

·         morphemes.  

·         endorphins.  

·         monoamines.


 Question 25

The autonomic nervous system is ________, whereas the somatic nervous system is largely ________.  

·         conscious; unconscious  

·         voluntary; involuntary

·         related to the spine; related to the cortex

·         involuntary; voluntary

Question 26

The occipital lobes are involved primarily with  

·         touch.  

·         vision.  

·         thinking.  

·         hearing.


Question 27

If Perry is blindfolded, he cannot distinguish between smooth sandpaper and rough sandpaper with his left hand. He has sustained damage in his  

·         right parietal lobe.  

·         right frontal lobe.  

·         left frontal lobe.  

·         left parietal lobe.


 Question 28

A split-brain patient is shown a picture of an object so that it stimulates only the right cerebral hemisphere. Which of the following can this patient do?  

·         select the object with the right hand  

·         neither name nor select the object  

·         name the object  

·         select the object with the left hand


 Question 29

Which of the following systems lowers blood pressure, slows heart rate, and diverts blood away from skeletal muscles (*rest-and-digest response)?  

·         somatic  

·         parasympathetic  

·         central  

·         sympathetic


 Question 30

The site in the cerebral cortex where hearing registers is 

·         the primary auditory cortex.  

·         Broca's area

·         Wernicke's area.

·         the somatosensory cortex.



Question 31

With respect to cell-phone research, which of the following is the BEST answer?  

·         Drivers using either conventional hand-held or hands-free phones show lapses in attention as well as slower reaction times in the driving situation.  

·         Drivers using conventional hand-held models only show lapses in attention as well as slower reaction times in the driving situation.  

·         Drivers using conventional hand-held models or hands-free phones do NOT show lapses in attention or slower reaction times in the driving situation.  

·         The research shows that we are quite good at multi-tasking (i.e., driving AND using a cellphone).


 Question 32

The process through which we interpret and organize information brought to us by our various senses is called  

·         sensation.  

·         somnambulism.  

·         convergence.  

·         perception.


 Question 33

The __________ is the coloured part of the eye.  

·         cornea.  

·         pupil.  

·         lens  

·         iris.


 Question 34

Which of the following statements is FALSE? 

·         Rods are active during the day, and under normal light conditions.  

·         Our cones respond to colour and process fine-detailed information.  

·         The center of the retina is called the fovea. 

·         When looking at fine details, you need to focus the image at the center of the retina (called the fovea).


Question 35

Which of the following is a pain-relieving substance produced by the body?  

·         morphine  

·         naloxone  

·         endorphins  

·         oxycontin


 Question 36

The ossicles (the hammer, anvil, and stirrup) are found in the:  

·         outer ear  

·         cochlea  

·         middle ear  

·         inner ear


 Question 37

____________ is the process by which the senses detect visual, auditory and other sensory stimuli and transmit them to the brain.  

·         Consciousness.  

·         Perception.  

·         Sensation  

·         Transduction.


 Question 38

_________ is the phenomenon in which we shift our focus from one object to another and, in the process, fail to notice changes in objects to which we are not directly paying attention. To demonstrate this phenomenon, you watched a video online in which 2 groups of people (one wearing black and the other wearing white) were passing a basketball to one another while your task was to count the number of passes. In this video, you may have failed to "see" a ______________ walk across the scene.


·         Subliminal blindness; clown  

·         Subliminal perception; giraffe  

·         Bottom-up processing; flag-bearing giant  

·         Inattentional blindness; gorilla


 Question 39

Nevah describes an experience she has where seeing particular letters evokes various colours (e.g., A is blue, B is yellow, C is green …). This phenomenon is referred to as: 

·         Top-down and bottom-up processing  

·         Illusions  

·         Subliminal persuasion  

·         Synesthesia


Question 40

The tendency to group visual, auditory, or other stimuli that share common characteristics or qualities is called:  

·         closure  

·         continuity  

·         proximity  

·         similarity


 Question 41

Little Megan watches from the car as her parents drive away from her grandfather's house. Because of ____________, Megan knows her grandfather's house remains the same size, even though the image gets smaller as they drive farther away.  

·         the law of good continuation  

·         the law of proximity  

·         size constancy  

·         shape constancy


Question 42

Monocular cues include all of the following EXCEPT:

·         convergence 

·         interposition  

·         relative size 

·         motion parallax


 Question 43

Looking out over the ploughed Iowa cornfield, you see that the rows near to you have great detail of pieces of dark soil but rows far from you look more uniform in colour and consistency. This is an example of the depth cue of 

·         interposition.  

·         linear perspective.  

·         texture gradient.  

·         retinal disparity.


 Question 44

Compared to people in modern societies, people in tribal societies who live in round dwellings and have little experience with interior and exterior corners are less likely to be fooled by  

·         the phi phenomenon.  

·         ambiguous figures  

·         the Müller-Lyer illusion.  

·         the Ponzo illusion


 Question 45

Which of the following statement(s) is TRUE? 

·         Information from our left visual field is processed in the left visual cortex  

·         Information from our left visual field is processed in the right visual cortex  

·         Information from our right visual field is processed in both the left and right visual cortex  

·         Information from our right visual field is processed in the right visual cortex.


 Question 46

Some parts of our body are more sensitive to touch than others. Which of the following body parts is LEAST sensitive to touch. 

·         thumb

·         lips  

·         nose  

·         shoulder


 Question 47

Each morning when Jackie goes to work at the dry cleaners, she smells the strong odour of cleaning fluid. After she is there for a few minutes, she is no longer aware of it. What accounts for this?  

·         sensory adaptation.  

·         the just noticeable difference.  

·         signal detection theory.  

·         transduction.


 Question 48

The minimum amount of physical stimulation necessary for us to experience a sensation 50 percent of the time is called the  

·         blind spot.  

·         difference threshold.  

·         figure to ground ratio.  

·         absolute threshold.



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