Study in which a test is administered to all the people currently

Study in which a test is administered to all the people currently 



·         consistency of a performance measure; the degree to which a performance measure is free from random error.


correlation coefficient


·         a measure of the degree to which two sets of numbers are related




·         the extent to which a performance measure assesses all the relevant - and only the relevant - aspects of the job performance


criterion-related validity


·         a method of establishing the validity of a personnel selection method by showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores


predictive validation


·         seeks to establish an empirical relationship between test scores taken prior to being hired


concurrent validation


·         a criterion related validity study in which a test is administered to all the people currently in a job and then incumbent's scores are correlated with existing measures of their performance on the job


content validation


·         a test-validation strategy performed by demonstrating that the items, questions, or problems posed by a test are a representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job




·         the degree to which the validity of a selection method established in one context extends to other contexts



·         the degree to which the information provided by selection methods enhances the bottom-line effectiveness of the organization




·         all selection methods should conform to existing laws and existing legal precedents


civil rights act of 1991


·         an extension of the civil rights act of 1964, protects individuals from discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, and national origin with respect to hiring as well as compensation and working conditions


situational interview


·         ask questions dealing with specific situations that are likely to arise on the job, and use these to determine what the person is likely to do in that situation


cognitive ability tests


·         tests that include 3 dimensions: verbal comprehension, quantitative ability and reasoning ability


verbal comprehension


·         refers to a person's capacity to understand and use written and spoken language


quantitative ability


·         concerns the speed and accuracy with which one can solve arithmetic problems of all kinds


reasoning ability


·         a broader concept, refers to a person's capacity to invent solutions to many diverse problems




·         suggests that similar groups of people whose scores differ by only a small amount all be treated as having the same score


question harvesting


·         has been coined to capture the process whereby test takers use advanced technology to download questions or capture images of questions




·         sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative, expressive




·         emotionally stable, non depressed, secure, content




·         courteous, trusting, good-natured, tolerant, cooperative, forgiving




·         dependable, organized, persevering, thorough, achievement oriented


openness to experience


·         curious, imaginative, artistically sensitive, broad minded, playful


assessment center


·         used to describe a wide variety of specific selection programs that employ multiple selection methods to rate either applicant or job incumbents on their managerial potential


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