interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer

interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer

*System Unit


·         is a case that contains electronic components of the computer used to process data.




·         is the main circuit board of the system unit




·         a computer ____ is a small piece of semi-conducting material, usually silicon, on which integrated circuits are etched.




·         interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer


*Control Unit


·         The _________________________ is the component of the processor that directs and coordinates most of the operations in the computer


Arithmetic Logic Unit


·         is the component of the processor that performs arithmetic, comparison, and other operations


Machine Cycle


·         Together, four operations (fetching, decoding, executing, and storing) comprise a(n


System Clock


·         The processor relies on a small quartz crystal circuit called the _________________________ to control the timing of all computer operations.


*Clock Speed


·         The pace of the system clock, called the _______, is measured by the number of ticks per second




·         When 8 bits are grouped together as a unit, they form a(n




·         _____ consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed by the processor, data needed by those instructions, and the results of processed data (information).




·         memory does not lose its contents when power is removed from the computer.




·         Most of today's computers improve processing time with _________________________, which stores frequently used instructions and data.




·         refers to memory chips storing permanent data and instructions


Access Time


·         _________________________ is the amount of time it takes the processor to read data, instructions, and information from memory.


expansion slot


·         A(n) _________________________ is a socket on the motherboard that can hold an adapter card.


USB Flash Drive


·         an __________ is a flash memory device that plugs in a USB port on a computer or portable device.




·         An___is the point at which a peripheral attaches to or communicates with the system unit so it can send data or receive information from the computer.




·         A ___ joins a cable to a peripheral.


Serial Port


·         A(n) _____ is a type of interface that connects a device to the system unit by transmitting data one bit at a time.


Parallel Port


·         Unlike a serial port, a(n) _____ is an interface that connects devices by transferring more than one bit at a time


USB Port


·         A(n) _________________________ is an interface that can connect up to 127 different peripherals together with a single connector.


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