Guiding Principles can be used to guide organization

Guiding Principles can be used to guide organization

Guiding Principle


·         A recommendation that guides organizations in all circumstances.


Difference between a Principle and a Practice?


·         Principles are underlying truths that don't change over time or space. Practices are the application of principles to a particular situation.


7 Guiding Principles


·         Focus on Value
2. Start where you are
3. Progress iteratively with Feedback
4. Collaborate and promote visibility
5. Think and work holistically
6. Keep it simple and practical
7. Optimize and automate


Feedback Loop


·         A technique whereby the outputs of one part of a system are used as inputs to the same part of the system.




·         Represent the people and perspectives necessary for successful collaboration.




·         Is the use of technology to perform a step or series of steps correctly and consistently with limited or no human intervention.


Focus on Value


·         Everything the organization does should link back, directly or indirectly, to value for itself, its customers and other stakeholders.


Start Where you Are


·         When engaged in any improvement initiative, consider what is already available to be leveraged.


Progress Iteratively with Feedback


·         Work in a time-boxed, iterative manner with feedback loops embedded in the process.


Collaborate and Promote visibility


·         Identify and manage stakeholder groups, break down silos, be transparent about work in progress and how work is prioritized.


Think and Work Holistically


·         Work in an integrated way to handle activities as a whole, rather than as separate parts.


Keep is Simple and Practical


·         Use the minimum number of steps to accomplish an objective.


Optimize and Automate


·         Leverage guidance from ITIL, Lean, DevOps and Kanban to make activities as effective and useful as practical. Leverage technology to perform steps correctly and consistently with limited or no human intervention.


Guiding Principles can be used to guide organization in their work as they..?


-       Adopt a service management approach
- Adapt ITIL guidance to their own specific needs and circumstances.


Guiding Principles allow organizations to ...?


·         Integrate the use of Multiple methods into an overall approach to service management.


While not all principles will be critical in every situation, consider the....?


·         Relevance of each guiding principle and how they apply together to determine how appropriate they are.


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