Internet Engineering Task Force

Internet Engineering Task Force



·         a computer network that uses open protocols to standardize communication.


computer network


·         an interconnected computing system that is capable of sending or receiving data.


computing system


·         a group of computing devices and programs working together for a common purpose.


computing device


·         a physical object that can run a program, such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and smart sensors.


World Wide Web


·         a system of linked pages, programs, and files that uses the Internet.


A router



·         a computer that passes information from one network to another.


ISPs (Internet Service Providers)


·         the companies who sell Internet access to homes and institutions.




·         a sequence of directly connected computing devices that connect a sender to a receiver.





·         the process of finding a path from sender to receiver.




·         the ability of the Internet to keep working as it grows.




·         the inclusion of back-up elements in case one part fails.


Fault tolerance


·         the ability of a system to work around problems.




·         a set of rules that specify the behavior of a system.


IP address


·         a unique number assigned to each device on a computer network.




·         is a small chunk of any kind of data (text, numbers, lists, etc.) and metadata (information about the data) that is passed through the Internet as a data stream.


Packet switching


·         The way the Internet sends short bursts of information, not long continuous strings is called ____ ______.


HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)


·         the protocol that your browser uses to access an HTML web page


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)


·         the protocol that assures reliable transmission of data. lets your computer pretend it has a reliable connection to the other computer


IP (Internet Protocol)


·         lets your computer pretend it has a direct connection to another computer


Application Layer Protocols (such as HTTP)


·         the highest level of abstraction, manage how data is interpreted and displayed to users.


Transport Layer Protocols (such as TCP)


·         manage the breakdown of a message into packets to be transmitted by lower level protocols and also the reconstruction of the message from the packets upon arrival.


Internet Layer Protocols (such as IP)


·         manage the pathways that the data packets travel across networks.


Network Interface Hardware (using Link Layer Protocols such as WiFi)


·         manage the connection between an Internet device and its local network. These local protocols are the least abstract because they deal directly with your physical hardware.


Open Protocols


·         standards not owned by a company such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP/IP


Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)


·         develops and promotes voluntary Internet standards and protocols, in particular the standards that comprise the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP).




·         the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time (for digital data, it is measured in bits per second).


the cloud


·         storing data somewhere on the Internet, but you don't know where. (Google, Dropbox, Amazon, Snap!, etc.)


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