FCS 324 Week 2 Quiz | Los Rios Community College

FCS 324 Week 2 Quiz | Los Rios Community College 

Question 1

McKinley does not like Parker, but McKinley treats Parker in an excessively friendly manner. Freud would say that McKinley is using the defense mechanism, ________.  

·         reaction formation  

·         repression 

·         rationalization 

·         projection


Question 2

Current research on child development that uses one-way viewing screens and recording methods that do not disturb children are benefiting from the observational techniques first developed by ________.  

·         John B. Watson  

·         Arnold Gesell  

·         James Mark Baldwin  

·         G. Stanley Hall


 Question 3

You hear an annoying beeping sound if you try to exit your car with the keys still in the ignition. The next time you park your car, you are more likely to take your keys out of the ignition before exiting. What principle of operant conditioning does this reflect?  

·         Conditioned stimulus 

·         Observational learning    

·         The law of effect

·         Unconditioned response


 Question 4

A client laments to his therapist, “Who I am and who I want to be don’t match up.” The therapist, whose approach to psychotherapy is influenced by Carl Rogers, describes this as a state of ________.  

·         incongruence  

·         congruence

·         unconditional positive regard 

·         conditional positive regard


 Question 5

A person seeks psychotherapy because of difficulty establishing and maintaining emotionally satisfying relationships. The therapist’s approach is grounded in humanistic psychology, and the therapist conceptualizes that the client’s behavior is motivated by a need for ________.  

·         esteem  

·         safety    

·         love and belonging  

·         self-actualization


 Question 6

A student is bullied at school and now associates school with fear. According to Pavlov’s classical conditioning paradigm, the fear, anxiety, and nervousness this student experiences when approaching school is a(n) ________.  

·         unconditioned response  

·         conditioned response  

·         unconditioned stimulus 

·         conditioned stimulus


Question 7

When deciding on a restaurant, a friend explains, “I used to enjoy shrimp. Then one day, I ate shrimp, and the next day, I got really sick, like I had a stomach flu. Since then, just the sight of shrimp makes me nauseous.” According to Pavlov’s classical conditioning paradigm, the shrimp is a(n) ________.  

·         conditioned response  

·         unconditioned stimulus  

·         unconditioned response  

·         conditioned stimulus


Question 8

A(n)________ approach to development has been criticized for equating the mind to a computer and for not taking into account the social context in which development takes place.  

·         theory-of-mind

·         Piagetian  

·         social cognitive theory 

·         information processing


Question 9

A therapist advises a client who is struggling to feel motivated to complete schoolwork to watch a favorite TV show after finishing an assignment. This therapist is recommending that the client use ________.  

·         initiation    

·         a reinforcer  

·         reciprocal determinism  

·         an unconditioned stimulus


 Question 10

A therapist, whose approach to psychotherapy is based on Sigmund Freud’s theory, explains that a patient’s problematic behavior is based on ________.  

·         being stuck in the developmental task of trust vs. mistrust   

·         observational learning without consequences  

·         unconscious motives, fears, and anxieties  

·         a classically conditioned response


 Question 11

When describing how difficult it is for her patients to quit smoking, a specialist in substance abuse medicine states, “Smoking is associated with so many things, like waking up in the morning, after a meal, on breaks at work, when getting home at work. When my patients try to quit, everything that was associated with smoking makes them crave a cigarette.” The specialist is describing ________.  

·         the law of effect  

·         operant conditioning  

·         classical conditioning  

·         the Skinner Box


 Question 12

 “If parents use an authoritative parenting style, then their children will be more well-adjusted psychologically than children of parents who use permissive or authoritarian parenting styles.” This statement is an example of a ________.

·         theory 

·         observation 

·         research study 

·         hypothesis


Question 13

Many popular quotes by famous people reference a “blank slate” as a platform and springboard for creativity. We may credit the popularity of this phrase to ________, an early scholar of human development.  

·         John Locke  

·         Jean Piaget  

·         Jean-Jacque Rousseau  

·         John B. Watson


 Question 14

An infant smiles when something feels good and cries when something feels bad. The infant’s parent, a psychotherapist whose work is based on Sigmund Freud’s theory, jokes, “This baby is all id.” Which of Freud’s principles is this parent referring to?  

·         The neurosis principle  

·         The pleasure principle

·         The oral principle  

·         The reality principle


 Question 15

Children who are seriously reflecting on the future, imagining what they want to be when they grow up and planning what it might take to get there have reached Piaget’s ________ stage of cognitive development.  

·         concrete operational  

·         sensorimotor  

·         formal operational  

·         preoperational


 Question 16

Infants younger than 5 months old do not search for objects once they have been removed from their sight. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, these infants have not yet developed ________.


·         reversibility  

·         object permanence

·         conservation 

·         egocentrism


 Question 17

A research advisor tells a graduate student, “Now that you have developed hypotheses based on a theory, you can ________ to test your hypotheses.”  

·         generate practical applications  

·         perform observations  

·         engage in scientific debate  

·         conduct research


Question 18

A parent tells a school counselor, “I am concerned that my child has developed an inferiority complex. My child feels like he does not measure up to peers.” According to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, this child may be struggling to accomplish the developmental task of the Industry versus Inferiority stage of development, which is ________.

·         care  

·         will  

·         purpose  

·         competence


Question 19

During a test of cognitive ability, a student is asked to repeat a series of digits backwards. According to an information processing approach to cognitive development, this ability to retain information while actively manipulating it is an example of ________. 

·         working memory

·         theory-of-mind  

·         reversibility 

·         cognitive neuroscience

Question 20

A researcher states, “In order to understand human development, we must consider how our genetic inheritance determines behavior and personality and seek to understand which traits became adaptive through a process of natural selection.” This researcher is a proponent of which perspective?

·         The evolutionary perspective  

·         The ecological perspective  

·         The ethology perspective  

·         The exosystem perspective


 Question 21

Which two approaches to lifespan development have the following in common: development is continuous, there are many courses of development, and development is more influenced by nurture than nature?  

·         Psychosexual theory and psychosocial theory  

·         Social cognitive theory and Piaget’s theory of cognitive development  

·         Humanistic theory and sociocultural theory   

·         Classical conditioning and operant conditioning


 Question 22

Parents are at an indoor playspace their five-year-old child. The parents observe the child check out the slide, then check out a play house before deciding to play on a climbing structure. According to Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, by allowing the child to explore within limits and by supporting the child’s choice, these parents are helping their child successfully navigate which stage of development? 

·         Industry versus Inferiority 

·         Autonomy versus Shame 

·         Initiative versus Guilt  

·         Trust versus Mistrust


 Question 23

Human service agencies that provide food, water, clothing, and shelter to people in need are focused on helping others meet which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

·         Physiological  

·         Esteem 

·         Safety 

·         Love and belonging


Question 24

Social cognitive theory (social learning theory) proposes that ________, whereas Piaget’s theory of cognitive development proposes that ________.  

·         learning is unique to each person; there are distinct stages of development  

·         development is more influenced by nature than nurture; development is more influenced by nurture than nature 

·         there are distinct stages of development; learning is unique to each person 

·         learning is universal for everyone; development follows many courses


 Question 25

A child development expert publishes a book on the impact of global advances in technology on children’s development. According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems model, what would be a good subtitle for the author’s book?  

·         A Macrosystem View

·         A Microsystem View  

·         A Mesosystem View  

·         An Exosystem View

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