
What is the mode of each set of scores?

1.      What is the mode of each set of scores?


2.      Is the score of “1” for one of the 7th graders an outlier?  Test using the 1.5 IQR rule.


3.      What is the difference between a modified boxplot and a regular boxplot?  Why is a modified boxplot usually considered better?


Statistics Review Chapter 3


4.      What are the four principles that guide the examination of data?  (See page 110.)


5.      Graph the following hot dog data:


Calories     Sodium (milligrams)

108                        149

130                        350

132                        345

135                        360

138                        360

140                        375

144                        380

145                        390

150                        400

163                        415     

167                        400

172                        420

176                        450

180                        500

184                        505

195                        500

200                        515


6.      What is the response variable?

7.      What is the explanatory variable?


8.      What is the direction of this scatterplot?  (positive, negative…)


9.      What is the form of this scatterplot?  (linear, exponential…)


10.  What is the strength of this scatterplot?  (strong, weak…)



Other / Other
31 Jan 2018
Due Date: 01 Feb 2018

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