SPC 1608 Week 9 Quiz | Assignment Help | Hillsborough Community College

SPC 1608 Week 9 Quiz | Assignment Help | Hillsborough Community College

Question 1

A signpost that enumerates the ideas and points that will be presented in a speech is known as


o   a summary.

o   an emphasis statement.

o   a specific purpose.

o   a preview.


Question 2

In the introduction to your speech, a good way to establish your credibility is to


o   be well-prepared and confident.

o   start with a well-known quotation.

o   summarize your main ideas.

o   state your specific purpose.


Question 3

What is the purpose of making a reference to the introduction in the conclusion?


o   It provides a sense of closure.

o   It is a way to build speaker credibility.

o   It is a way to develop proximity.

o   It requires less work because you can reuse material.





Question 4

The statement “This is a great day, because so many people from so many walks of life have gathered in this place to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.” is an example of an introductory device called a reference to


o   a recent event.

o   the occasion.

o   something personal.

o   a historical event.


Question 5

Reemphasizing the central idea in a memorable way, moving an audience to action, and restating the main ideas are all functions of the


o   speech introduction.

o   speech conclusion.

o   specific purpose.

o   central idea.









Question 6

In his speech about registering to vote, Dan explains the new legislation that allows voter registration to coincide with driver’s license renewal. But he concludes the speech by stating that any person who is not registered should go by one of several locations that he has listed on the chalkboard to register in time for the next election. Finally, Dan reiterates: “Everyone please register to vote; it’s your right and your duty as a citizen.” What aspect of effective conclusions has Dan utilized?


o   a reference to the introduction

o   an inspirational appeal or challenge to the audience

o   an effective summary of main points in a speech

o   a personal reference to his own experience


Question 7

According to the text, the most obvious purpose of a speech introduction is to


o   get the audience’s attention.

o   establish proximity with your audience.

o   introduce the subject of your speech.

o   establish your credibility.









Question 8

Janet’s introduction contained the following remarks: “How many of you know someone who has tried to quit smoking, successfully or unsuccessfully? Have any of the smokers in this audience tried to quit? Well, if you have tried to quit and failed, you are among the 20 percent of Americans who have tried to quit multiple times. A few months ago I tried to quit, for the umpteenth time, but this time I made it. I’d like to tell you exactly how I made it.” Which of the following statements is accurate about this introduction?


o   Janet has successfully combined the introductory devices of questions to the audience, statistical information, and a personal reference.

o   Janet shouldn’t discuss her own experience with quitting smoking because it creates distance between her and the audience.

o   Janet has too many devices in this introduction; the audience will be confused rather than intrigued.

o   Janet has successfully combined the introductory devices of startling statements, reference to historical events, and illustrations.


Question 9

In her introduction to her speech about eating disorders, Sheila told the story of her friend who almost died of anorexia. In her conclusion, she reminded her audience of what her friend went through and explained that her friend was currently doing well in her battle against the disease. Was this an appropriate strategy for her speech?


o   No; the introduction and conclusion are separate elements of a speech and should not overlap.

o   Yes; this is a concluding strategy known as a reference to the introduction.

o   Yes; this is a concluding strategy known as an appeal to action.

o   Yes; this is a concluding strategy known as a reference to the occasion.




Question 10

What is the BEST way to ensure that your introduction introduces the subject of your speech?


o   refer to your personal experience in the introduction.

o   make reference to your general purpose in the introduction.

o   include a statement of the central idea in the introduction.

o   include an attention-getter in the introduction.



Question 11

In an introduction, proximity refers to


o   the currency of the information.

o   the degree to which the audience trusts the speaker.

o   how close the speaker is to the audience.

o   the degree to which the information directly affects the audience.



Question 12

The first priority in an introduction is to


o   establish credibility.

o   preview the main ideas.

o   reveal the topic.

o   get the audience’s attention.


Question 13

 “98 percent of the 2012 graduates of the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California, graduated with an average of $168,800 in student debt.” This is an example of a(n)


o   personal reference

o   rhetorical question

o   startling statistic

o   anecdote


Question 14

 “So we must all do something to end domestic violence; we must all be prepared to confront this issue in our own neighborhoods and homes, so that we become part of the solution, not part of the problem.” The preceding statement is an example of a


o   preview summary statement.

o   reemphasis on the central idea.

o   statement to motivate the audience to respond.

o   startling statement.




Question 15

Terms like “finally,” “in conclusion,” and “in closing” are examples of devices that


o   signal the end of the speech.

o   reemphasize the main point in a memorable way.

o   summarize the main points in a speech.

o   motivate an audience to respond or be moved to action.


Question 16

What is one benefit of using humor in your introduction?


o   It can make the speaker appear more informed on his or her topic.

o   It can distract the audience from the seriousness of the speech topic.

o   It can make the audience feel like they are watching a comedian rather than a public speaker.

o   It can help relax the audience and win their goodwill for the rest of the speech.


Question 17

In developing her speech on scuba diving, Rachael is trying to decide whether or not to tell the audience in her introduction that she has been a diver since she was a freshman in high school. She wonders if this will help or hurt her credibility. What textbook advice applies here?


o   Rachael should give a brief, credibility-building explanation of her experience with the topic.

o   Rachael should avoid describing her experience because she will appear to be speaker-centered and not audience-centered.

o   Rachael should avoid referencing her personal experience with the topic because it will make her appear boastful and actually detract from her credibility.

o   For the sake of suspense, Rachael should wait until her conclusion to describe her diving experience.






Question 18

Dana opens her speech against abortion by putting up a transparency that shows a graphic image of an aborted fetus. Is this an effective opening?


o   Yes; this was startling and vivid and got the audience’s attention.

o   Yes; this type of visual attention getter does a good job of establishing speaker credibility.

o   No; she should have opened with a verbal, rather than a visual attention getter.

o   No; this type of graphic material may disgust and repel the audience.


Question 19

Thanking someone for inviting you to speak, as part of your introduction, is called a


o   reference to a recent event.

o   personal illustration.

o   rhetorical device.

o   personal reference.


Question 20

What does the text state is the most inherently interesting type of supporting material?


o   a startling introductory device

o   a specific purpose statement

o   a summary

o   an anecdote





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