Ac IT Governance and Management Assignment Help

 IT Governance and Management Assignment Help 

                                                            MGMT 221 Spring 2017 (Final Quiz/Exam)






Q. In your own words, discuss the topic of cyber threats that both businesses and individuals currently face. Talk about the different types of threats individually, explain the differences between them, and explain what kind of damage they could cause.



Q. The introduction of mobile technologies has added flexibility in the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce functionality of many enterprises. What new business opportunities do mobile technologies create for commercial airlines?


Multiple Choice Question:

Q.   The term competitive advantage refers to which of the following?


Q.   The acronym SWOT stands for which of the following?.


Q.   What is the term for the Transaction Processing System (TPS) that processes each transaction as it occurs in real time?


Q.   Virtual machines (VM) contain which of the following virtual software-based components?


Q.   The term for poor-quality data that lacks integrity and cannot be trusted is which of the following?


Q.   Which of the following describes where the data from databases across an entire enterprise is integrated?


Q.   One solution that can prevent the security of a business' data transmissions from being compromised is which of the following?


Q.   The supervision, monitoring, and control of an organization's IT assets are referred to as which of the following?    


Q.   Which of the following creates an unprotected "backdoor" into a system through which a hacker can remotely control that system?  


Q.   What is the term for the technology that is designed to take immediate action such as blocking a specific IP Address whenever a traffic-flow anomaly is detected in a network?    A.  IPS


Q.   The term for the approach of creating useful recommendations in Recommendation Engines for products based on features that a customer has interacted with in the past is which of the following?


Q.   Changing the design and content of a website to improve its rankings in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) is which of the following?    A.  SEO


Q.   Dialogue or conversation that takes place in real-time, without long delays between exchanges that occur in email or discussion boards is which of the following?  A.  Synchronous communication


Q.   The predominant language of the Internet is which of the following?    


Q.   The practice of a customer examining products in a traditional retail store and then purchasing the product online is which of the following? A.  Showrooming


Q. Competition between a manufacturer's distribution partners who sell through different channels is referred to as which of the following?  



Q. Which of the following is a widely used method or model to minimize waste and deal with the complexity of inventory management?


Q. Which of the following is a system of policies and procedures to prevent and detect illegal acts committed by managers, employees, customers, or business partners against a company's interests? A. Fraud risk management system


Q. In which type of inventory system do suppliers deliver small lots on a daily or frequent basis?


Q. Which of the following is a social collaboration tool?  


Q. Which of the following refers to private, company-owned social media, software, platforms, or apps specially designed for use by business leaders and employees to fulfill the strategic mission?


Q. Which of the following is a component of a digital dashboard?

Q. Cloud services are also known as which of the following?


Q. System development or IT work done by a third party or vendor is referred to as which of the following?


Q. Which of the following are used to manage project work effort, monitor results, and report meaningful status to project stakeholders?


Q. Which of the following is a lesson for keeping a project on track?

Q. Which of the following is a lesson for keeping a project on track?


Q. Which of the following is the phenomenon where social users are concerned about privacy but their behaviors contradict these concerns to an extreme degree? 




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