SCI 210 Week 4 Quiz 1 | Assignment Help | Carrington College

SCI 210 Week 4 Quiz 1 | Assignment Help | Carrington College

Question 1

 (SLO 7) Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, differ from atmospheric gases, like oxygen and nitrogen, in that


greenhouse gases absorb and then reradiate infrared radiation towards the earth's surface.


nongreenhouse gases reflect solar radiation.  

greenhouse gases reflect solar radiation back into space.  

greenhouse gases produce heat from chemical reactions.  

nongreenhouse gases absorb greenhouse gases.


Question 2

 (SLO 7) The major anthropogenic source(s) of excess nitrous oxide in the atmosphere is (are)


refrigerants, solvents, and fire retardants.  

microbial fermentation of organic matter in coal mines, oil wells, and livestock.  

emissions from automobiles and chemical fertilizers.  

evaporation from the earth's oceans.  

combustion of fossil fuels.


Question 3

 (SLO 7) The day-to-day variations in temperature, air pressure, wind, humidity, and precipitation constitute an area's






climate change.


Question 4

 (SLO 7) The major greenhouse gases are


carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons.  

carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor.  

oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and neon.  

chlorine, fluorine, neon, and argon. 

methane, oxygen, nitrogen, and neon.


Question 5

 (SLO 7) Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, differ from atmospheric gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, in that


greenhouse gases absorb and then reradiate infrared radiation towards the earth's surface.  

nongreenhouse gases reflect solar radiation.  

greenhouse gases reflect solar radiation back into space.  

greenhouse gases produce heat from chemical reactions.  

nongreenhouse gases absorb greenhouse gases.


Question 6

 (SLO 7) The major anthropogenic source(s) of excess methane in the atmosphere is (are)


refrigerants, solvents, and fire retardants.  

microbial fermentation of organic matter in coal mines, oil wells, wetlands, and livestock.  

emissions from automobiles and chemical fertilizers.  

evaporation from the earth's oceans.  

combustion of fossil fuels.


Question 7

 (SLO 7) The greatest carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels originates in



North America.  



the Middle East.


Question 8

 (SLO 7) How much of ultraviolet light is absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere?








Question 9

 (SLO 7) The _____ is the region of the atmosphere that is involved with the biogeochemical cycling of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and water, and is the also the site and source of our weather.








Question 10

 (SLO 7) Which of the following is an expected consequence of global climate change?


A decrease in sea level  

an increase in both global temperatures and variability of rainfall  

An increase in both global temperatures and variability of droughts  

An increase in droughts and flooding 

An increase in droughts


Question 11

 (SLO 7) The increase in levels of skin cancer in Australia in recent years is most related to


their desire for outdoor recreation.  

an increase in ultraviolet radiation due to ozone depletion.  

warmer temperatures due to global warming.  

more beachfront recreation due to sea level rise.  

chronic shortages of sunscreen products.


Question 12

 (SLO 7) Provide three steps you could take to lower your impact on climate change.


Question 13

 (SLO 7) What courses of action would you recommend if scientists could prove conclusively the cause of global warming was due to human actions?


Question 14

 (SLO 7) Describe the impact of the common greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.


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