INFO 331 Week 8 Discussion | American Public University System

INFO 331 Week 8 Discussion | American Public University System

WK8: Autonomous Cars: For or Against? (Team Debate)

 Debate Topic

Autonomous cars are being developed and tested with a goal of being introduced to our roadways in upcoming years.  Many people welcome this new technology which is expected to increase safety on the roadways, thus saving lives by decreasing accidents.  Other people are distrustful of technology and do not want to yield control of their cars to a computer.  You have been assigned to either argue "FOR" the benefits that autonomous vehicles will bring to our society and world, or you have been assigned to argue "AGAINST" this technology.  Look below to see which team you have been assigned to and then begin researching this topic to prepare your arguments, and follow the guidelines below to participate in this debate.

Note that you must post a minimum of six posts on at least three different days this week, according to this schedule:

1. Post your initial post by Tuesday.

2. Between Tuesday and Friday, post at least four replies (either counter-arguments to the other team's posts, or rebuttals to counter-arguments posted on your team's posts by the other team).  You must post your replies on at least two different days.

3.   Post a summary of the main points made by each team on either Saturday or Sunday.  Label this post with "SUMMARY" to make it clear that this is your summary post.  Also state which team you feel did a better job of arguing their position (i.e., which team you feel "won" the debate).


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