Tips To Succeed In Online Tutoring
The online learning industry has reached an unprecedented level in recent years.
It is no wonder that more and more people prefer online education to the regular one. In the day and age of the internet, you can achieve through online learning much more than in a classroom.
From the teacher's perspective, on the other hand, being an online tutor can be more challenging than you think. In oversaturated informational chaos, among the ocean of bad, moderate, and great tips, how can you choose the right one?
And that's exactly why we met here today because we managed to gather the best tips for tutors that will help you achieve the top in this profession and become an amazing online tutor. Let's get started!
a part of the 21st century
We are talking only
about online tutoring here because it is the most convenient and effective way
of learning in the modern world.
In the light of
recent events, when the global pandemic forces us to reduce personal
communications to a minimum, online learning is one of the best ways to get a
high-quality education and stay safe.
As a plus, you can
actually record every online lesson you take and revisit your sessions later to
note any possible mistakes you've made. Use any simple screen recorder for Windows or
screen recorder for Mac, like Screencast-o-Matic or Screencastify,
to capture your lessons and work on their improvement later.
Also, your students
will actually love these records because it is always better to revisit the
lesson in video form than trying to remember what you actually said through
hastily written notes.
is the best policy
The benefit of
online learning is that everybody can be in a comfortable position in their
home during lessons, and your one-on-one sessions can be customized to fit your
and your student's needs.
So don't stick with
the current plan if you see that your student can't make progress fast enough
or at all. Experiment and change your approach to find the best way of tutoring
this particular student.
Use all your communication skills to learn what can and should be improved in your sessions
because tutoring is a two-way street. You teach your students, but they also
can educate you to be a better tutor.
stop learning
An online tutor is
always a busy person, but it is important to apply your time management skills into not only planning
effective sessions with your students but also your advanced training lessons.
Education never
stops, and you need to further deepen the knowledge in your area of expertise
to give your students the most relevant information.
It is also a great
idea to take a couple of online courses yourself to see how other online tutors
talk to their students, learn their teaching style, and what you can take from
them for you. To be the best, you need to learn from the best.
have something more to offer your student
Many students that
choose online tutoring actually prefer it if you give extra information to
them. They will love it if you recommend them books, send them videos or pop
quizzes that will help to deepen their knowledge on the subject.
Don't be afraid of
asking what kind of extra materials your students would prefer to get from you.
This personal approach shows that you care about their progress and want them
to really learn.
Lastly, make your lessons as interactive as possible because the traditional you-talk-they-listen way is old and simply boring. Add videos to your presentations, involve your students in discussions, play games and make learning fun again!