BUS 303 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

BUS 303 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

Week 2 – Quiz


Question 1

______ assist in gathering basic information about job applicants that can be categorized into four main categories: contact information, work experience, educational background, and the applicant’s signature.


o   Interviews

o   Resumes

o   Application forms

o   Achievement tests



Question 2

Which of the following is NOT an external source for finding talent?


o   Lateral transfers

o   Employment agencies

o   Employer websites

o   Professional employer organizations



Question 3

According to Edward Lawler’s talent model, which of the following is most likely to promote talent from within the organization?


o   Structure-centric hierarchical bureaucracies

o   Structure-centric low-cost operators

o   Human capital-centric high-involvement organizations

o   Human capital-centric global competitors




Question 4

Which of the following processes translates environmental scans and labor market analyses into specific actions to find and attract pools of candidates with the specific competencies and skill sets that the organization needs?


o   HR planning

o   Job analysis

o   Job design

o   Recruitment



Question 5

Achievement tests determine all the following about applicants EXCEPT ___________.


o   Level of reception, comprehension, and retention

o   Current abilities

o   Levels of knowledge and skills

o   Readiness to perform the tasks they are recruited for



Question 6

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of internal recruitment?


o   It requires less training and development on the tasks and responsibilities associated with the new position.

o   It is easier to implement.

o   The morale of promoted individuals is raised.

o   Accurate judgment about an internal employee’s skills and abilities can be made more easily.



Question 7


______ refer(s) to a wide range of personal traits that tend to be stable over time and across situations.


o   Attitudes

o   Human capital

o   Social capital

o   Individual differences



Question 8

Which of the following is NOT a common problem with internal recruitment?


o   Current performance reviews may not accurately reflect the candidates’ ability to perform the new job.

o   It can create conflict and hard feelings among internal candidates.

o   It does not ultimately result in a better determination for job compatibility and placement.

o   Significant HR time and effort is required to replace transferred or promoted individuals.





Question 9

Which of the following refers to applicants’, organizations’, or observers’ subjective impressions of how relevant a predictor is to a job?


o   Content validity

o   Criterion-related validity

o   Face validity

o   Construct validity



Question 10

______ charge the employer if and only if an employee is successfully hired by the organization.


o   Retainer firms

o   Public employment agencies

o   Contingency firms

o   Professional employer organizations




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