SOC 312 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help | ashford university

SOC 312 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help |  ashford university

Question 1


According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, the activities and relationships with significant others experienced by a developing person in a particular small setting such as a family, school, peer group, or community is defined as the child’s









Question 2

The socialization process is not affected and is not changed even though the child and the environment does change.





Question 3


Events such as school shootings do not seem to affect the ways in which children are socialized.





Question 4

_________is defined as a learning theory that emphasizes the predictable role of environment in causing observable behavior.


o   Social Learning Theory

o   Behaviorism

o   Operant Conditioning

o   Classical Conditioning



Question 5

The degree of guilt a person feels when he or she fails to stick to a personal code of conduct is called


o   behavioral aspect of morality.

o   egocentrism.

o   behavioral aspect of morality.

o   moral self-evaluation.



Question 6

The first historically documented case of extreme isolation is


o   Genie.

o   Jaycee Dugard.

o   Steven Stayner.

o   Victor.



Question 7

The process of socialization can be categorized as either intentional or unintentional.


o   True

o   False



Question 8

Technology has not had a big impact on children growing up today.


o   True

o   False



Question 9

According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, which of the following system accounts for effect of time or the impact of historical context on the other interlocking systems?


o   Exosystem

o   Macrosystem

o   Chronosystem

o   Microsystem




Question 10

Going to college because it conforms to the beliefs, customs, and traditions of the family illustrates the __________________ method of socialization.



o   sociocultural

o   affective

o   cognitive

o   observational




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