COMM 301 Week 5 Assignment 3 | Los Rios Community CollegeInformative Practice Speech Peer ReviewAssignment:Practicing your speech is important. Getting feedback is important too. I have created this assignment to help you prepare, revise, and be confident and successful in your informative speech.Directions:For this assignment, you will:1. Reviewthe directions to the informative speech.2. Record yourself giving your practice informative speec...

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COMM 301 Week 5 Assignment 2 | Los Rios Community CollegeInformative Outline Rough Draft Peer ReviewTo complete this assignment you will need to review the chapter onoutliningLinks to an external site.For your last speech you wrote a speaking outline. For your informative speech, you will be creating afull sentenceLinks to an external site.outline that includes a reference page. Review this part of our textbook to see directions to and an ...

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COMM 301 Week 5 Assignment 1 | Los Rios Community CollegeLibrary Research Module Certificate of Completion (MLA) This week you need to go into the FLC Self-paced research tutorial and complete theMLA Formatting module. 1. Make sure you take the quiz and upload your certificate here to this assignment (or a screenshot of your quiz score with a 75% or higher)...

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COMM 301 Week 5 Discussion |Los Rios Community CollegeOral Citation Discussion BoardYou have read chapter7.3 on citing sources in a speechLinks to an external well as watched thevideo lecture on oral citationsLinks to an external site., so you know that you are going to have to orally cite all the information in your speech that came from outside sources. This discussion board will help you do well on your oral citations.Your task:Pi...

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COMM 301 Week 4 Quiz 3 | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1Consulting a reference librarian is a good approach because he or she: · can find one research source that meets all your needs. · may intervene on your behalf if your coursework is late. · is expert in finding source materials on many topics. · appreciates getting attention and appreciation from you.Question 2The best reason to talk with a reference librarian is to: · establ...

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COMM 301 Week 4 Quiz 2 | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1A speech with a general purpose refers to: · presenting a speech that is adjustable in the moment. · presenting a speech for a generalized audience. · a speech that informs, persuades, or entertains. · a topic which is thought to appeal to everyone.Question 2The purpose of a speech to inform is to: · to motivate the audience to take an action on the topic. · ensure that the au...

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COMM 301 Week 4 Quiz 1 |Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1The broad topic of this student's speech is "Online Bullying." Look at the following main points and let me know if this is clearly an informative speech or if it is leaning towards a persuasive speech"I. How online bullying hurts students' well-being II. What you can do to stop online bullying · No answer text provided. · No answer text provided. · Clearly Informative · Leaning...

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COMM 301 Week 3 Quiz 2 | Los Rios Community College Question 1 Listening is: · acceptance of a speaker’s message. · hearing a speaker clearly. · focused attention on a speaker’s message. · note-taking during a speech. Question 2 Hearing is: · discerning the underlying meaning of a speech. · concentrating on a speaker’s message. · an automatic brain response to sound. · paying attention to th...

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COMM 301 Week 3 Quiz 1 | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1 At its heart, communication apprehension is: · the psychological response to evaluation. · an outcome of having a negative attitude. · easily overcome by ignoring the audience. · fictional; it’s an excuse for laziness. Question 2 Starting a speech by telling a joke: · is risky; it might unintentionally offend your audience, or fall flat. · ...

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COMM 301 Week 3 Assignment 2 | Los Rios Community CollegeSelf Reflection #1-The Speech I Want to HearWe spend A LOT more time listening than we do talking – both in this class and in our everyday lives.You learned in our Introduction Speech Zoom Session that we spend a few minutes talking and a great deal of time listening in our speech sessions. People gravitate towards different things, but I bet you heard some speeches that you really enj...

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COMM 301 Week 3 Assignment 1 | Los Rios Community CollegeFinal Draft Introduction Speech OutlineLast week you created a rough draft of your Introduction Speech outline and got feedback on it. You need to upload your revised, final draft of your Introduction Speech Outline as a Word or Google Doc or a PDF file (no Macintosh Pages; Canvas is not compatible with Macintosh Pages) herebefore your speech session starts. This is important because I...

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COMM 301 Week 3 Discussion |Los Rios Community CollegeBattling the ButterfliesMake a plan for managing your anxiety before and during your speech. Include at least three specific techniques you want to try before or during your first speech. These can be techniques/strategies from our text or from other sources. I encourage you to read through your classmate's posts to find some good ideas for battling nerves before your speech, but ...

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COMM 301 Week 2 Quiz 2 | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1Impromptu speaking is: · the presentation of a short message with no advance preparation. · the delivery of a speech prepared by a person who can’t attend the speech itself. · a careful word-for-word reading of a prepared message. · the delivery of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech using notes.Question 2Extemporaneous speaking is: · the delivery of a carefully planned an...

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COMM 301 Week 2 Quiz 1 | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1Think of the outline as the: · the heart of your speech · the brain of your speech · skeleton of your speech · the mouth of your speechQuestion 2In order for your speech to be as effective as possible, · You will need to take careful steps to include pertinent information your audience might not know · all of these are true · Information will need to be presented in a way you...

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COMM 301 Week 2 Assignment 2 | Los Rios Community Collegeractice Speech Peer Review1. Address any concerns they brought up in their post2. Referencing specific concepts fromthe rubricLinks to an external site., what were two things you felt they did very well?3. Referencing specific concepts fromthe rubricLinks to an external site., what are two things you think they should focus on as they practice and prepare to give their speech next wee...

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COMM 301 Week 2 Assignment 1 | Los Rios Community CollegeRough Draft Outline Peer ReviewNow that you have read our textbook's chapters9,10,11, and12on outlines and all three main parts of speeches (intros, bodies, and conclusions) as well as seen the directions for the outlineand Jami'sstudent example speechand outline, your mission this week is to submit a rough draft of your own Introduction Speech's outline.1. Please create your rough dr...

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COMM 301 Week 2 Discussion |Los Rios Community CollegeIntros and Conclusions Discussion BoardIntroductionsLast week you began drafting your first speech. We started with the body of the speech, but as you learned fromchapter 9 of our textbookLinks to an external site., introductions are also a SUPER important part of your speech; if you don't start off strong, it can be hard or even impossible to recover your audience. Luckily, you learned ...

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COMM 301 Week Quiz | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1 The specific purpose of a speech should be: · familiar to listeners. · focused and concrete. · easy to understand. · an interesting topic. Question 2 The main points in the body of the speech are: · cues that help the audience give an appropriate response. · points during which you must reclaim audience attention. · important facts and co...

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COMM 301 Week Discussion |Los Rios Community College"Hidden Gems" Module 1If you watched the Welcome Overview videoANDthe Chapter 1 video, you'll know what to post here! Do not post here until you have watched both videos.Hidden gem postings are due Sunday's, 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time. Remember, hidden gems are the only discussion board posts where you do not need to reply to peers....

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FCS 324 Week 10 Assignment | Los Rios Community CollegeQuestion 1 If Sandra is 82 years old, which terminology would demographers use to describe her? · young old · geriatric · oldest old · old old Question 2 Thomas is 57 years old and has severe arthritis. He is overweight and also suffers from fatigue, loss of concentration, headaches and unrefreshing sleep, and this has caused a change in his physical fu...

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