PSYC 335 Week 6 Quiz |Los Rios Community College District OfficeQuestion 1Read the sentence below from a psychological journal article. Then, read each sentence based on the article and decide whether it represents effective paraphrasing, ineffective paraphrasing, or plagiarism.Question 2Read each sentence below and determine whether it reflects a writing style that is scientific and would work for the Applying Research to Life Assignment or ...

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PSYC 335 Week 5 Quiz | Los Rios Community College District OfficeQuiz 5 - Scientific vs. Non-Scientific Sources and Claims Question 1 You are looking for a scientific sources for a class project. Which of the following is a scientific source? · None of these are scientific sources. · Eating Comfort Foods May Not Be So Comforting After All by Maanivi Singh, NPR · Does Comfort Food Really Make You Feel Good? by Wendy L. Pat...

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PSYC 335 Week 4 Quiz |Los Rios Community College District OfficeQuestion 1Correctly choose whether each description describes a conceptual variable, an operational variable, or neither one. Question 2A researcher is creating a questionnaire designed to measure how much people love nature. Assuming that loving nature is a stable attribute the questionnaire should have good test-retest reliability .Question 3A researcher is planning a study a...

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PSYC 335 Week 3 Quiz | Los Rios Community College District OfficeQuestion 1Which of the following constitutes deception? · having a confederate pretend to be a research participant · telling participants a study is about friendship when it is really about racism · omitting specific details of the study from the consent form · All of these are deception.Question 2An IRB or Institutional Review Board · only gets involved in the research ...

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PSYC 335 Week 2 Quiz | Los Rios Community College District Office Question 1 In psychological research, the results will typically be the most accurate and apply to the largest number of people if the sample used is large and a random sample . Question 2 What is the main problem with using random sampling in psychological research? · Using random sampling is unethical. · The results may not apply well to the population...

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PSYC 335 Week 1 Quiz |Los Rios Community College District Office Quiz 1 - the Scientific Approach and Method Results for Audrey Tsikata Question 1 A researcher is testing out different advertising messages to encourage Californians to save water. The research is conducting applied research. Question 2 Alyx is a scientist. Someone tells Alyx that non-binary people have low self-esteem. Alyx looks up research and finds that ...

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LOG 503 Week 3 Assignment | Trident UniversityCase AssignmentThen, in a5- to 6-page paperanswer the following question. Do customers really drive location and how does this affect logistical planning? Choose a specific industry (e.g., beer, clothing, automobiles, etc.). Compare the location decision of a Manufacturing company, to a Distributor, to a Retail location. How much influence does the customer of each of these types of busine...

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LOG 503 Week 3 Discussion | Trident UniversityDiscussion: Logistics PlanningIs logistics planning more important than any other type of business planning? Explain. First, enter your original response to this question. To keep it original, do not read your classmates' first responses. Then, respond to at least one of your classmates' discussion post. Further the discussion and make it interesting....

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LOG 503 Week 2 Assignment 2 | Trident UniversityModule 2 - SLPWelcome to the second SLP project for this course. For this paper, please review the logistics system of the organization you are examining and in a3- to 4-page paperanswer the following questions:Does your selected organization use quality management procedures in its logistics system? In what ways (as you are to give some specific examples)? If the organization does not use qua...

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LOG 503 Week 2 Assignment 1 | Trident UniversityCase AssignmentFor your Case Assignment, please research a different organization that has also gone through a major logistics quality initiativerecentlyand write a5- to 6-pagecase paper reviewing that process. Discuss why the company took on this initiative, what were the results, and how did this effort help improve the logistics/supply chain management in this company? Be sure to provide the...

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LOG 503 Week 2 Discussion | Trident UniversityDiscussion: QualityWhat is quality in a logistics system? Is it important to stress quality in a logistics system? Why or why not? First, enter your original response to this question. To keep it original, do not read your classmates' first responses. Then, respond to at least one of your classmates' discussion post. Further the discussion and make it interesting....

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LOG 503 Week 1 Assignment 2 | Trident Universityhe Session Long Project is not a term paper due at the end of the course. Rather, the SLP acts as a vehicle to give the topics of each module a personal, concrete expression. These modular Session Long Project assignments are due at the end of each module.I want you to pick an organization to examine throughout the rest of the course. It may be one you work for or it may not. You will be exami...

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LOG 503 Week 1 Assignment 1 | Trident UniversityIs VMI a valid method for reducing the BWE? How does it compare to other inventory management methods for reducing the BWE? What conclusions can you draw?...

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LOG 503 Week 1 Discussion | Trident UniversityTable of ContentsModule 1: Inventory ManagementDiscussion: Effective Inventory ManagementDiscussion: Effective Inventory ManagementWhy is it important for organizations to effectively manage their inventory? First, enter your original response to this question. To keep it original, do not read your classmates' first responses. Then, respond to at least one of your classmates' dis...

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Insisting on objective criteria

Insisting on objective criteriaPrincipled negotiation is also known as _____. · integrative negotiation Using outside guidance, such as an auto pricing guide, is an example of what tenet of principled negotiation? · Insisting on objective criteria Expanding the pie in a negotiation means _____. · adding joint value One of the arguments against principled negotiations is that _____. · it ...

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Theoretical approaches that sociologists

Theoretical approaches that sociologists_____ culture includes the values and norms that a culture claims to have, whereas ____ culture includes the values and norms that a culture actually follows. · Ideal; real All of the following are theoretical approaches that sociologists use to analyze culture EXCEPT: · Cultural norm theory Family, schools, peer groups, and mass media are all examples of ____ of socializat...

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Chomsky's linguistic theory

Chomsky's linguistic theorylanguage acquisition · the process by which we learn to speak, write, or even use sign language in meaningful ways to communicate Behaviorists believe we learn by associating events, known as... · classical conditioning We also learn through rewards and punishments, a process known as... · operant conditioning Chomsky's linguistic theory · we are born with an in...

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suggests people would be motivated

suggests people would be motivatedWhich of the following is true with regard to Japanese workers? · Japanese workers typically feel strong kinship to their employers ________ suggests being motivated by more risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement. · Low uncertainty avoidance Low power distance implies that ________. · people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with peer...

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Argument from ignorance

Argument from ignoranceAffirming a disjunct · A or B; A; therefore not B. To be on the cover of Vogue Magazine, one must be a celebrity or very beautiful. This month's cover was a celebrity. Therefore, this celebrity is not very beautiful. Affirming the consequent · if A, then B; B, therefore A. If Bill Gates owns Fort Knox, then he is rich. Bill Gates is rich. Therefore, Bill Gates owns Fort Knox. Denying the ...

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intercultural communication

intercultural communicationYour textbook offers five caveats to keep in mind when studying intercultural communication. Which of the following were NOT included in that list? a. keep in mind the uniqueness of each individual b. keep in mind the benefits of generalizing c. keep in mind the need to be objective d. keep in mind the necessity of compromise · b. keep in mind the benefits of generalizing Cultural generalizations ...

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